On this artificers day I would like to convey my gratitude and regards to all my senior partners and wishes to all my junior partners. 

Special wishes to my classmates. 

We are indeed lucky to be guided by stalwarts. They have laid down the guidelines and have made us feel proud of our profession. I offer my humble salutation on this great day and seek their blessings and guidance to take us to new heights and the onus is on us juniors to take this great tradition forward and scale greater heights and make our senior partners feel proud of us.
V Santosh Kumar A/87

Partners Day 19th Jan 2020


On this artificers day I would like to convey my gratitude and regards to all my senior partners and wishes to all my junior partners.

Special wishes to my classmates.

We are indeed lucky to be guided by stalwarts. They have laid down the guidelines and have made us feel proud of our profession. I offer my humble salutation on this great day and seek their blessings and guidance to take us to new heights and the onus is on us juniors to take this great tradition forward and scale greater heights and make our senior partners feel proud of us.
V Santosh Kumar A/87

Added to Partners Artificiers5 years ago

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