Dear Partners
I am penning this with pride swelling my chest and a lump in my throat. I am writing incidents of unseen and unsung young covid warriors in our fraternity.
1. An young girl who is doing her third year medicines in chennai , told her parents that she cannot sit safe at home when she knows that she can make a difference by treating covid patients. Her father immediately agreed though mother being mother was made to see reason and she agreed . Now that young braveheart is working or rather treating covid patients knowing very well the danger she is exposing herself to. That too all this with a smile and as a matter of fact, She is saying that this was her calling and she is doing nothing great.
Name of the father :- Partner Santosh 87th class
Name of the girl :- Brave heart Amritha Santosh
2. Similarly an young boy who cleared his NEET last year, Same story Told his father that he is born for this and with just one year of medicine has joined his college hospital and is treating/serving Covid patients. The father is telling that he is so proud of his son who has volunteered.
Name Of the father :- Partner Faizan Khan 92 class
Name of the Boy :- Braveheart Anaf Khan
3. A person whose full family (husband and wife) was recovering from covid induced Typhoid , on hearing that his distant relation and her husband both were severely affected by covid and no one to take care, putting his own life in danger took care of them, unfortunately when the same relative’s husband died of covid, and when the deceased own blood brothers refused to do the last rites, he went and did the last rites fully aware that he is putting his life in danger. On asking why he did this the reply he gave me makes me feel proud of him. He said ”Partner if I do not do this then how can I answer my own conscience knowing that somebody is in trouble how can we sit quietly.”
Name of this individual :- Partner Charles Ranjit 101 Class
These are few cases of our fraternity’s selfless service to our nation and I am proud to showcase them not only self but even our sons and daughters are willingly and eagerly ready to serve the nation without batting an eyelid or caring for their own personal safety. These two brave hearts have gone voluntarily. Who says that the younger generation is irresponsible, No parent will knowingly send their own children in any kind of danger the same parents will be shouting at these kids if they went out in rain but here they have sent them with with a sense of pride to serve our country . I have spoken to both the partners and they spoke about it with pride.
I am sure there are many such unsung and unseen covid warriors in our fraternity who are doing a great job fighting this war . They are not of any political or religious group they are Indians first and partners next. .I request all partners to let us know about any such covid warriors from our fraternity, The purpose of this message is that we as a fraternity should bless these unsung and unseen covid warriors and to motivate others to join this noble fight.
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