The Indian Navy's Barakhaana was a grand event in itself. All of us have lovely memories of it. Sharing a funny event on Barakhaana. 


The Barakhana used to be held in the two galleys of INS Hansa. The very thought of wearing 8As and attending the ritual used to irritate me. Anyhow, not wanting to miss the Delicious food, we used to attend the Barakhaana.

The Main galley where the Barakhaana was served used to be crowded with sailors and officers nominated from different squadrons and units attending. We artificers used to stand in a group in a corner and enjoy the food . We used to avoid chatting with officers. We had many issues under the sky to discuss amongst ourselves. Whenever we found an officer 
approaching us with his plate, we used to disperse and head towards the counter on the pretext of going for a refill. We used to then reassemble at some other corner of the galley at a safe distance from any of the officers. 

On one such occasion when we were in a group and busy chatting and enjoying the delicious food, one Commander penetrated into our group and started talking. We were about 5 people and were devising means to escape from there.

 However, the Commander, who was 
quite decent was looking straight into our eyes and talking. We couldn’t look at each other and were compelled to constantly shake our heads in agreement to whatever the commander was talking though we were not listening to it.

The commander was talking and eating. Suddenly the Commander took a huge chicken leg piece from his plate and put it into his mouth and started chewing it. The chicken with its masala seemed to be very tasty for him and he closed his eyes while chewing and enjoying the well cooked chicken. As soon as he closed his eyes for enjoying the tasty chicken all five of us utilized this opportunity and disappeared from the place.

The commander opened his eyes after chewing the chicken and found himselfstanding all alone with the barakhana plate in his hand. He started turning around searching for his 

We escaped through the backside of the galley to our CPOs’ mess. 

Back in the mess all of us were cursing the commander for interrupting our delicious 
barakhaana. Else, we would have enjoyed the food stomachful.

Barakhaana....Narrated by Santosh


The Indian Navy's Barakhaana was a grand event in itself. All of us have lovely memories of it. Sharing a funny event on Barakhaana.


The Barakhana used to be held in the two galleys of INS Hansa. The very thought of wearing 8As and attending the ritual used to irritate me. Anyhow, not wanting to miss the Delicious food, we used to attend the Barakhaana.

The Main galley where the Barakhaana was served used to be crowded with sailors and officers nominated from different squadrons and units attending. We artificers used to stand in a group in a corner and enjoy the food . We used to avoid chatting with officers. We had many issues under the sky to discuss amongst ourselves. Whenever we found an officer
approaching us with his plate, we used to disperse and head towards the counter on the pretext of going for a refill. We used to then reassemble at some other corner of the galley at a safe distance from any of the officers.

On one such occasion when we were in a group and busy chatting and enjoying the delicious food, one Commander penetrated into our group and started talking. We were about 5 people and were devising means to escape from there.

However, the Commander, who was
quite decent was looking straight into our eyes and talking. We couldn’t look at each other and were compelled to constantly shake our heads in agreement to whatever the commander was talking though we were not listening to it.

The commander was talking and eating. Suddenly the Commander took a huge chicken leg piece from his plate and put it into his mouth and started chewing it. The chicken with its masala seemed to be very tasty for him and he closed his eyes while chewing and enjoying the well cooked chicken. As soon as he closed his eyes for enjoying the tasty chicken all five of us utilized this opportunity and disappeared from the place.

The commander opened his eyes after chewing the chicken and found himselfstanding all alone with the barakhana plate in his hand. He started turning around searching for his

We escaped through the backside of the galley to our CPOs’ mess.

Back in the mess all of us were cursing the commander for interrupting our delicious
barakhaana. Else, we would have enjoyed the food stomachful.

Added to My Stories4 years ago

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