Scientists have done a lot of research with respect to kids,some of the findings are as under:

Scientists believe that humans are evolutionarily programmed to find babies cute to ensure that babies are cared for, even through restless nights and bouts of colic.

Researchers note that babies may cry with the intonations of their mother tongue.

Researchers suggest that the majority of parents fall within one of four different parenting styles: 1) authoritarian, 2) authoritative (which is more democratic than authoritarian, 3) permissive, and 4) uninvolved parenting. Of these four, authoritative parenting tends to result in children who are more happy, capable, and successful

Children who watch more than three hours of television, videos, or DVDs a day have a higher chance of conduct problems, emotional symptoms, and relationship problems by the time they are 7 than children who do not.

Studies show that corporal punishment can hinder intellectual development. In other words, there is a marked correlation between spanking and a lowered IQ.

Like many animals, people are not hardwired to be a good fit to their specific environment at birth. Instead, babies arrive with skills required to adapt to a wide range of conditions, which allows them to survive all over the world.

Psychologists claim that babies know right from wrong even at 6 months, which challenges the notion that babies come with a “moral blank state” 

At around the 28th week of pregnancy, babies can begin to smell the same smells as their mother.

Babies see in two dimensions until 2–4 months old. After this, an infant’s cerebral cortex matures enough to merge input from both eyes, which results in 3D vision

Holding and stroking an infant helps release hormones that are important for its growth

From ages 3–8, children’s brain tissue uses twice as much energy as adult brain tissue. A 5-year-old child weighing 44 pounds requires 860 calories a day. Half of that energy goes to the brain

Parents who are more sensitive to their infants’ needs and respond quickly to emotional cues tend to raise children who are better at regulating their own emotions

Having children play or sing the music can increase visual, motor, attention, and mathematical skills.

The environment in which one develops before and soon after birth provides powerful experiences that chemically modify certain genes in ways that then define how much and when they are expressed. Thus, while genetic factors exert potent influences on human development, environmental factors have the ability to alter family inheritance. For example, children are born with the capacity to learn to control impulses, focus attention, and retain information in memory, but their experiences as early as the first year of life lay a foundation for how well these and other executive function skills develop.

child understands what you are saying before they begin to speak.

Chess makes kids smart.It forces students to slow down, concentrate, use precise thinking, active both inductive and deductive reasoning, as well as recognizing difficult and complex patterns.

Gardening improves children’s desire to learn and boosts their confidence.

Kids are more highly strung today, with high school students showing the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the 1950’s according to data survey.

Children who participate in laughing activities experience increase in memory retention.

Playing with blocks increases neuron count in children.Even with 15 minutes of free play, children will use some of that time learning about mathematical and spatial principles. Blocks, one of the simplest and longstanding toys, teach geometry, patterns, shapes, colors, and physics.

Even high-tech industries like NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory take into consideration a person’s background of play when they are hiring new scientists. This is because research shows that children who have ample opportunity to play and manipulate the environment creatively, will be the most innovative and original thinkers as adults.

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Scientists have done a lot of research with respect to kids,some of the findings are as under:

Scientists believe that humans are evolutionarily programmed to find babies cute to ensure that babies are cared for, even through restless nights and bouts of colic.

Researchers note that babies may cry with the intonations of their mother tongue.

Researchers suggest that the majority of parents fall within one of four different parenting styles: 1) authoritarian, 2) authoritative (which is more democratic than authoritarian, 3) permissive, and 4) uninvolved parenting. Of these four, authoritative parenting tends to result in children who are more happy, capable, and successful

Children who watch more than three hours of television, videos, or DVDs a day have a higher chance of conduct problems, emotional symptoms, and relationship problems by the time they are 7 than children who do not.

Studies show that corporal punishment can hinder intellectual development. In other words, there is a marked correlation between spanking and a lowered IQ.

Like many animals, people are not hardwired to be a good fit to their specific environment at birth. Instead, babies arrive with skills required to adapt to a wide range of conditions, which allows them to survive all over the world.

Psychologists claim that babies know right from wrong even at 6 months, which challenges the notion that babies come with a “moral blank state”

At around the 28th week of pregnancy, babies can begin to smell the same smells as their mother.

Babies see in two dimensions until 2–4 months old. After this, an infant’s cerebral cortex matures enough to merge input from both eyes, which results in 3D vision

Holding and stroking an infant helps release hormones that are important for its growth

From ages 3–8, children’s brain tissue uses twice as much energy as adult brain tissue. A 5-year-old child weighing 44 pounds requires 860 calories a day. Half of that energy goes to the brain

Parents who are more sensitive to their infants’ needs and respond quickly to emotional cues tend to raise children who are better at regulating their own emotions

Having children play or sing the music can increase visual, motor, attention, and mathematical skills.

The environment in which one develops before and soon after birth provides powerful experiences that chemically modify certain genes in ways that then define how much and when they are expressed. Thus, while genetic factors exert potent influences on human development, environmental factors have the ability to alter family inheritance. For example, children are born with the capacity to learn to control impulses, focus attention, and retain information in memory, but their experiences as early as the first year of life lay a foundation for how well these and other executive function skills develop.

child understands what you are saying before they begin to speak.

Chess makes kids smart.It forces students to slow down, concentrate, use precise thinking, active both inductive and deductive reasoning, as well as recognizing difficult and complex patterns.

Gardening improves children’s desire to learn and boosts their confidence.

Kids are more highly strung today, with high school students showing the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the 1950’s according to data survey.

Children who participate in laughing activities experience increase in memory retention.

Playing with blocks increases neuron count in children.Even with 15 minutes of free play, children will use some of that time learning about mathematical and spatial principles. Blocks, one of the simplest and longstanding toys, teach geometry, patterns, shapes, colors, and physics.

Even high-tech industries like NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory take into consideration a person’s background of play when they are hiring new scientists. This is because research shows that children who have ample opportunity to play and manipulate the environment creatively, will be the most innovative and original thinkers as adults.

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